When I left the Military, it was a year after my tour in Desert Shield / Desert Storm.  I thought I was going home to be in peace once again, but did not know anything about PTSD or its effects. When triggered it was like having a “Beast Within” that took over. 

It took me a long time to finally realize the cause and effects of this trauma, both on me and my family. I have spent the past four years trying to write a book that would help both, those of us with PTSD, but also our families that live with and around us. 

Let’s just say, as hard as I tried, it didn’t happen the way I expected.  After being “Triggered” into six PTSD episodes in five weeks in four Baptist Churches, I believe GOD give me the words and inspiration. Then it only took a little over 48 hours of writing from start to finish this book.

GOD gave us this work to help Veterans so that they can find the Peace that passes all understanding through a study of what PTSD is and how we believe King David of the Bible dealt with his PTSD!

Let’s get this book in the hands of our Veterans across this nation!